Over the last couple of weeks, the Nudura ICF have continued going up at Delta Middle School, with many walls reaching an elevation of approximately 14 feet.

With the walls up that far on the north, east, and west sides, Rocky Mountain Steel is able to begin setting red iron for the decking of the second floor of the middle school addition. The steel goes up quickly, so big changes will be evident in a short time: about two weeks.

Before the concrete gets poured into the forms, KGCI places embeds at precise locations. Once the concrete is poured, those embeds are anchored in the concrete. The steel is then welded to the embeds to make a structurally sound base for the second floor.

Once the decking is in place, the footprint of the second floor will be visible.

After the steel is set, the concrete slab will be poured for the second floor, and the Nudura ICF will continue to go vertical to make those second story walls.