Neal Subdivision Sewer Line

Location: Olathe, CO
Owner/Designer: Town of Olathe
Cost: $330,391.00
Completion: March 2014


This project, proposed to prevent future raw sewage from flowing into the lagoon below the Neal Subdivision, consisted of:

  • 4,900 LF of 8″ PVC pipe
  • 8″ HDPE fused pipe
  • 4″ HDPE fused pipe
  • 6 4″-diameter manholes
  • Below grade grinder station
  • Various air vents

KGCI tied into the existing sewer main that fed the lagoon and ran the new sewer pipe down a 43-degree grade, across private property, down a county road ROW, under the Uncompahgre River, and finally tied into another sewer main approximately one mile away.  

Dewatering operations were constantly going due to the high-water table. KGCI used 3″ submersible pumps every 200 feet to mitigate the 3-foot water-table depth.


Contact Us


PO Box 682, Cedaredge, CO 81413

10094 HWY 65, Austin, CO 81410

Telephone: (970) 835-7910

Fax: (970) 835-7911