Stairway to…the Second Floor

Stairway to…the Second Floor

Cue Led Zeppelin. It’s not quite the stairway to heaven, but these stairs did touch the heavens when they flew today. English writer G.K. Chesterton wrote that “the reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly.” These 11,500-pound...
Steel Yourself for Big Changes

Steel Yourself for Big Changes

Over the last couple of weeks, the Nudura ICF have continued going up at Delta Middle School, with many walls reaching an elevation of approximately 14 feet. Concrete is pumped into the ICF. With the walls up that far on the north, east, and west sides, Rocky Mountain...
Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale

Here’s a history lesson and a construction update for you. Academics befit a school building project, so here goes. Ever wonder where the idiom “beyond the pale” came from? Or what it means for that matter? And (cough cough) what it has to do with...
Going Vertical

Going Vertical

Last week, structural steel columns were placed, and the insulated concrete forms (ICF) started going up to demarcate walls. Now it’s much easier to visualize the layout of the middle school addition. In the image above, the architectural drawing overlays an...
Progressing with Pours

Progressing with Pours

Today’s slab pour came in at 80 yards — the biggest pour for the Delta Middle School addition to date. Rise and shine! It’s a great day for a pour. The last slab pour is scheduled for Friday, 1/11. Getting these slabs poured may seem like a long time...